Creating a routine allows you to prioritise on important things. Routine can help you to cultivate positive daily habits and to prioritise self-care. However, it doesn’t mean having daily routine will make your day perfect, but sometimes life doesn’t run accordingly to our timeline, somethings might overruns or some days you might not in right emotional state to do certain things. That is okay. After all, it doesn’t have to be perfect but its about doing what we can as best.
However, managing & structuring our time effectively to include some downtime or me time! It increases the likelihood that we’ll manage to have that time most days. We will all desire different things – for some of us it might be spending time alone meditating, others might want some time each day to spend time with friends.

When we were young, our parents had discipline our lives with schedule doing certain activities at certain times. However, as we grow up we have let go of those disciplines.
Researchers found that most adults do not have any specific routine to go by their day. This has impacted and result overwhelming, anxious & stressed as they have no specific direction or goal to adhere to.
Productivity & efficiency
When we have a routine we follow, it reduces the stress and time need to make decisions on each day. It has already been plan, you can go on about the day without having to think or contemplate so much. You can move one task to another easily without having to think a lot. It provides the structure within our daily lives activities. Hence it makes us feel more comfortable with our task and with time able to perform more efficiently.
Getting stuff done
When you focus and structure a personal routine and stick to it, it allows you to get the stuff done easily and out of the way. Since it has been there is less stress to worry about your forgetfulness or neglect. The effective way to do is to designing a set routine with prioritising three important tasks first and followed by small other tasks.
Avoids or reduces Procrastination
When you do certain tasks or activities repeatedly, it builds momentum and become routine. Therefore, you are less likely to procrastinate. When routine becomes habits, it ingrained into our system and we almost do it subconsciously.
Create good habits & break bad habits
Good habits can bring positivity in our lives whereas bad habits have the potential to significantly impact our lives in a negative way.
In order to develop good habits, you will face obstacles & triggers . When you start to create ood habit, there will certainly be many bad days but that doesn’t mean that you should come back to old bad habits to deal with them. Hence it is important to create routines by creating repetition. Track your habits, and see which days you did good & which days you missed it and improve every week. It can take 18 to 254 days for a person to form a new habit. With time, you can slowly replace your bad habits with good ones through repetition & routines.
Keep track of your goals
When we monitor your task & activities, it can give overview of vision to your goals and monitor your progress. You can determined if you have shortfall in certain areas and gives opportunities for areas of improvement.
Routine can give you a sense of comfort in the fast paced world. However, each of has different needs, time, desire & resources. Therefore, it is important to develop your own routine that works for you. Do not get stressed if things do not accordingly to your plan for certain days, doing best we can to make our day easier to avoid overwhelming. As long as you’re finding your routines helpful, you are doing enough and be flexible to change them if needed. Celebrate small wins.